Anna Maria Perdon, Elena Zattoni and Giuseppe Conte
This contribution concerns disturbance decoupling with stability in linear impulsive
systems. Also addressed as hybrid linear systems with state jumps, linear impulsive systems are a class of hybrid systems featuring a continuous-time linear behavior interrupted by state discontinuities caused by a jump behavior. In the case dealt with herein, state jumps may not be uniformly spaced in time, but satisfy the constraint that the time interval between any two consecutive jumps is greater than or equal to a given positive real constant. Total output insensitivity to the unknown disturbance must be achieved by means of a static state feedback, which should also guarantee global asymptotic stability of the closed-loop dynamics for all the admissible sequences of jump times. A general result on the existence of a solution to the stated problem is first achieved. A constructive necessary and sufficient condition, holding under a specific technical assumption, is then derived.