Raffaele Carli and Mariagrazia Dotoli
This talk deals with the optimal scheduling of energy activities of a group of interconnected homes equipped with controllable electrical appliances, together with shared renewable energy sources and energy storage systems. We extend the classical objectives of residential energy activities scheduling from the simple management of passive loads to also achieving the maximum exploitation of energy locally produced by renewable sources and the most convenient management of storage charging/discharging strategies. Differently from the existing literature, a novel networked energy management framework is proposed, where nearby users optimally share renewable energy sources and storage systems to jointly take advantage of the locally harvested and stored energy. In this regard, the talk presents decentralized and distributed optimization techniques, such as dual decomposition and consensus methodologies, for large-scale residential energy systems, where individual, as well as aggregations of, smart users make use of energy scheduling systems to optimally manage the use of electrical appliances, plan the energy production and supplying, and program the storage systems charging/discharging. Finally, in the talk several applications and examples are shown to demonstrate that the presented approaches allow full exploitation of the potential of local energy generation and storage to reduce the individual user energy consumption costs, while limiting the peak average ratio of the energy profiles and complying with the customers’ energy needs.