Daniele Carnevale, Sergio Galeani, Laura Menini and Mario Sassano.
This presentation proposes a robust error feedback regulator design for a class of uncertain linear hybrid systems with periodic jumps, using an hybrid extension of the classic internal model principle. The plant is not restricted to be minimum phase or square.
The proposed regulator has a key feature of containing an internal model composed by two main units,
a “flow internal model” in charge of providing the correct input to achieve regulation during flows,
and a “jump internal model” in charge of suitably resetting the state of the regulator at each period.
While such structure is reminiscent of classic results on internal model design for ripple-free output regulation of sampled-data system, several remarkable differences are present, including the fact that in order to achieve robust output regulation the jump internal model must contain more copies of the relevant dynamics of the exosystem with respect to the flow internal model.