Co-chair: Giovanni Indiveri e Francesco Basile
Luogo e data
Martedì 6 settembre, ore 14:00, Sala Multimediale
14:00 |
Laura Giarre’, Daniele Croce, Ilenia Tinnirello and Domenico Garlisi |
14:20 |
Gabriel Rodrigues de Campos, Fabio Della Rossa and Alessandro Colombo |
14:40 |
Alessio Iovine, Elena De Santis and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto. |
15:00 |
Roberto Rossi and Paolo Rocco |
15:20 |
Riccardo Costanzi |
15:40 |
Danilo Caporale, Alessandro Settimi, Mirko Ferrati and Lucia Pallottino |
Autori Danilo Caporale, Alessandro Settimi, Mirko Ferrati and Lucia Pallottino Abstract Robotics is emerging as one of the most rapidly developing engineering fields. We are…
Autori Riccardo Costanzi Abstract Navigation is the crucial part of the control system of Unmanned Underwater Vehicles mainly because of the impossibility of exploiting positioning…
Autori Roberto Rossi and Paolo Rocco Abstract In the last decade, aerial robotics has received increasing attention both in the scientific literature and in the…
Autori Alessio Iovine, Elena De Santis and Maria Domenica Di Benedetto Abstract Traffic control is one of the most studied problems in engineering because of…
Autori Gabriel Rodrigues de Campos, Fabio Della Rossa and Alessandro Colombo Abstract We design an optimal, driver-adaptive supervisor algorithm for collision avoidance at an intersection.…
Autori Laura Giarre’, Daniele Croce, Ilenia Tinnirello and Domenico Garlisi Abstract In this paper we present a low-cost augmented reality system designed to meet the…